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Integrating Fitness into a Busy Schedule

Integrating Fitness into a Busy Schedule

Do you find it hard to fit fitness into your busy schedule? Well, you are not alone, as this is a common issue for the majority. Many people struggle to find time to work out, especially if they have a full-time job and kids. But it is important to make time for yourself, and fitness is a great way to do that.

In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for integrating fitness into your busy schedule.

Here are some things which are important to finding time in your busy schedule.


Many people claim they don’t have time for exercise or self-care, but this could not be farther from the truth. Everyone, no matter how busy their lives may seem, has some time in their schedule to devote to taking care of themselves. Most of the time, we must make exercise or self-care a priority.

The challenge is finding that time amidst all the other commitments and obligations in our lives. Some people do so by getting up earlier in the morning to fit in a workout, while others prefer after-work exercise classes or activities to help release stress. Still, others might use their lunch break as an opportunity to go for a walk, take their dog for a run, or hit the gym.

Whatever your preferred exercise routine may be, it’s important to remember that carving out time each day, or just a few times per week, can make a tremendous difference in your health and overall well-being.

So, stop making excuses and start making time!

Schedule & Plan

Most people who use “I have no time” as an excuse have not paid strict attention to their schedules and daily routines, which is often the real reason they’re unable to make physical activity a priority.

The key to getting more exercise in your schedule is to plan and schedule each week carefully, leaving room for regular workouts and other important tasks. With proper planning and scheduling, it becomes much easier to carve out the time you need for regular physical activity. By committing to frequent exercise sessions, you will see real benefits in terms of both your health and your overall productivity.

With that in mind, if you truly want to improve your fitness level, start carefully using your schedule – you’ll be surprised at how quickly those few extra minutes can add up!

Save Time

There are many ways to open time for exercise, and one of the most effective is to start by recognizing what’s consuming your time. For example, many people find that choosing a gym nearby allows them to save time on their commute and get straight to their workout.

Alternatively, you might invest in some home exercise equipment that you can use right away in the comfort of your own home. Whether you choose to invest in weights, a treadmill or another piece of equipment, this type of investment can save you lots of extra time spent commuting to and from your gym.

By taking these small steps towards better health, we can all make room for exercise in our busy schedules.

Make It a Habit

In integrating fitness into a busy schedule, one of the most important things is to make it a habit. While many people think that to reap the benefits of exercise, they need to spend hours every day working out, this simply isn’t true.

Even dedicating just some 20-30 minutes each day to exercise can have a major impact on your fitness levels and overall well-being. Before you know it, those healthy 20 minutes of self-care will become an essential part of who you are and how you live daily.

So, if you’re looking for ways to stay fit and active amidst a hectic schedule, don’t despair – it’s easier than you might think. Just remember that all it takes is just a little discipline and determination. With some planning and persistence, building healthier habits is within anyone’s reach.

What did you do for your health today?


Social Media and Mental Health

Social Media and Mental Health

Social media can be exhausting.

Social media can allow your mind to travel places it should never go. I know of a mother who considered herself to be a great mom until she got social media. When she saw what other mothers posted, it affected her mentally. She saw the Facebook posts and how other mother’s children were doing different things, having achievements and then she saw the pictures of “perfect” homes.

Seeing all those images became a sizeable area of stress for her and she doubted her abilities as a mother. The fact was, her children were just like every other children, but she did not have time to post every moment on social moment. She was busy raising her kids.

However, those images affected her.

Here are 6 Ways to Secure Your Mental Health while using Social Media:

#1 – Remember, people can fake many things. So, the picture you see is not always true. Whenever I see a “picture perfect” image on social media, I consider the source. Also, I have asked the person what the behind scenes picture looked like. Many times, and I emphasize many times, things are not always as they seem.

#2 – If you see something stressful, just take a break. It is alright to step back from social media and spend your day being you. Life existed before social media and it will exist after social media. A great wellness, self-care practise is to step back form technology for a period and let your mind reset.

#3 – Set the time you will spend on social media each day. Stop engulfing your entire day into social media. Staring at a phone or computer all day is not a healthy choice; especially when most days are stressful already. Set a specific period during the day for social media.

#4 – Learn the positive things from social media and implement it in real life. Be specific on who you follow. Several years ago, I only began subscribing/following groups which would help me in my life. For you this might mean following things that fit with your life purpose of your hobby. Be specific on who and what groups you follow.

#5 – Try to connect with your friends. The term friend is misused because we can see our many “friends” on social media and think that each of them are true “friends” when many are simply acquaintances. Connect with your genuine friends and encourage each other daily. A simple message can create a better day for someone you know.

#6 – Take everything easy and relax. Just do it. Relax, take it easy and breathe.


6 Ways to Secure Your Mental Health while using Social Media

Consider the 6 Ways to Secure Your Mental Health while using Social Media above and see how you can begin practicing wellness and self-care, even in social media.

To your success,