Integrating Fitness into a Busy Schedule

Integrating Fitness into a Busy Schedule

Do you find it hard to fit fitness into your busy schedule? Well, you are not alone, as this is a common issue for the majority. Many people struggle to find time to work out, especially if they have a full-time job and kids. But it is important to make time for yourself, and fitness is a great way to do that.

In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for integrating fitness into your busy schedule.

Here are some things which are important to finding time in your busy schedule.


Many people claim they don’t have time for exercise or self-care, but this could not be farther from the truth. Everyone, no matter how busy their lives may seem, has some time in their schedule to devote to taking care of themselves. Most of the time, we must make exercise or self-care a priority.

The challenge is finding that time amidst all the other commitments and obligations in our lives. Some people do so by getting up earlier in the morning to fit in a workout, while others prefer after-work exercise classes or activities to help release stress. Still, others might use their lunch break as an opportunity to go for a walk, take their dog for a run, or hit the gym.

Whatever your preferred exercise routine may be, it’s important to remember that carving out time each day, or just a few times per week, can make a tremendous difference in your health and overall well-being.

So, stop making excuses and start making time!

Schedule & Plan

Most people who use “I have no time” as an excuse have not paid strict attention to their schedules and daily routines, which is often the real reason they’re unable to make physical activity a priority.

The key to getting more exercise in your schedule is to plan and schedule each week carefully, leaving room for regular workouts and other important tasks. With proper planning and scheduling, it becomes much easier to carve out the time you need for regular physical activity. By committing to frequent exercise sessions, you will see real benefits in terms of both your health and your overall productivity.

With that in mind, if you truly want to improve your fitness level, start carefully using your schedule – you’ll be surprised at how quickly those few extra minutes can add up!

Save Time

There are many ways to open time for exercise, and one of the most effective is to start by recognizing what’s consuming your time. For example, many people find that choosing a gym nearby allows them to save time on their commute and get straight to their workout.

Alternatively, you might invest in some home exercise equipment that you can use right away in the comfort of your own home. Whether you choose to invest in weights, a treadmill or another piece of equipment, this type of investment can save you lots of extra time spent commuting to and from your gym.

By taking these small steps towards better health, we can all make room for exercise in our busy schedules.

Make It a Habit

In integrating fitness into a busy schedule, one of the most important things is to make it a habit. While many people think that to reap the benefits of exercise, they need to spend hours every day working out, this simply isn’t true.

Even dedicating just some 20-30 minutes each day to exercise can have a major impact on your fitness levels and overall well-being. Before you know it, those healthy 20 minutes of self-care will become an essential part of who you are and how you live daily.

So, if you’re looking for ways to stay fit and active amidst a hectic schedule, don’t despair – it’s easier than you might think. Just remember that all it takes is just a little discipline and determination. With some planning and persistence, building healthier habits is within anyone’s reach.

What did you do for your health today?


The First Rule of Muscle Gain

If there’s one thing learned in the gym, it’s that there are many basic rules you should abide by. If you want to make gains, you’d better learn them fast.

Another thing is that there are no shortcuts – you have to put in the work. It’s not just hard work. It must be smart work – working hard around the fundamental principles.

This is especially valid for a tough process like muscle gain, but with a little dedication and knowledge, you can turn your body into a lean, mean muscle-building machine.

In this article, we’ll talk about the fundamental principle of muscle growth that you simply can’t “hack” your way around.

Why Do Muscles Grow?

Ever wonder why your muscles seem to grow after a streak of particularly grueling workouts?

It’s not just “toning” because first, toning is a myth, and second, muscles actually undergo physical changes in response to new, previously unknown stress. When you subject your muscles to a novel form of stress, they respond by growing larger and stronger. This increased size and strength allows them to better withstand stress in the future.

Essentially, muscle growth is just your body saying, “alright, let’s see what else you got.” But the term “previously unknown stress” is quite generic, so let’s narrow this down a bit to a more specific definition.

Rule Number One

Most people who are new to weightlifting often ask, “How do I gain muscle?”

The answer is actually quite simple: progressive overload. Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed on the body during exercise.

“Oh, so I just have to lift heavier?”

Well, yes, and no.

Progressive overload is not just about lifting heavier weights – it’s about challenging your muscles in new ways. By constantly challenging your muscles with new stimuli, you will force them to adapt and grow.

Now, without further ado, let’s have a look at the 4 tried and tested ways to realize the principle of progressive overload.

Increase Weight

There is no shortage of advice on how to progressively overload your training. But what is the most effective way to do it? Well, the most common method is to increase the training weights.

Besides bulk muscle growth, increasing the weights used will also stimulate strength gains, which compounds benefit in time. You shouldn’t go too quickly about it.

Here’s a sample progression you can use in your workouts:

  • Step 1 – Start off with a challenging weight and do 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Step 2 – With every workout, go up a couple of reps
  • Step 3 – When you reach 5×8 with this weight, increase by up to 5 kg and do the same
  • Step 4 – Rinse and Repeat

Increase Reps

In the simple progression we showed above, increasing weight is accompanied by increased reps. This is, in fact, the second most common way to progressively overload, and it may just be less strenuous and have a slightly lower risk of injuries.

Realizing it is quite simple – monitor your sets and add a couple of reps here and there.

Increase Sets

Besides increasing the reps done, and the weight used, you can also opt for an increase in the total number of sets completed.

You’ve done 5×8 for some time and can’t quite feel it?

Add another set of 8!

This is the third most common way to progressively overload, and combined with the second one (increasing reps), it’s a fantastic way to increase the total work you’ve done during a workout.

Decrease Rest

The most uncommon way of realizing progressive overload is by decreasing rest times between sets. You make the body do the same amount of work, but in less time.

This is a form of progressive overload that is often overlooked. By decreasing rest times, you force the body to work harder and adapt to the new demands placed on it. This can lead to increased muscle size, as well as improved strength and endurance.

So if you’re looking for a way to take your training to the next level, try decreasing your rest times and see how your body responds.

It might surprise you when you see the results.

Final Thoughts

So, what is the first rule of muscle gaining? It’s not just about increasing the weights used.

You must challenge the muscles in new ways. But remember that you also have to eat enough protein and get a good sleep.

By following this simple (but effective) advice, you can start getting results in no time at all! And as always, if you need an extra helping hand, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

8 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

8 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

8 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

In a few weeks, we will start another month and moving farther away from our beginning of the year goals. To that extent, this might be a great time to reflect on those goals and evaluate our progress.

It is difficult to see the year quickly passing, but it is rewarding to see how our goals have been put into practice and achievements are being made weekly.

One of those common goals to evaluate from month-to-month is the status of our health. Many people will make a health goal (some call it a resolution) at the beginning of the year. Those goals might be to stop eating poorly, gain better nutrition, stop smoking, walk more, or finally make use of that gym membership.

While setting high-achieving goals is common, setting smaller goals will help you on your way to achieving all your goals. This concept applies to your health goals as well.

Take a moment and reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of this year, or even at the end of last year, and see how you are achieving those goals.

Dr. James Hill, Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center is noted as saying, “Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine. They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change.”

Thinking of Dr. Hill’s words, allow us to offer 10 small steps you can take today to improve your health.

#1 – Watch your weight.

Most of us have a bathroom scale around the house. It might have found its way to an obscure corner of the room, but we know where it is located. Take an evaluation of your weight regularly.

8 Small Steps to Improve Your Health

#2 – Just a few more steps a day.

Start taking a few more steps in your daily routine. Simple things like walking a few more steps at work, in your home, in the store and everywhere can quickly add up over time. Make it a point to park a little further from the store, if you are able, and get those extra steps. You might use a pedometer to keep track of your steps. Set a goal of 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day and see if you can achieve that for one week.

#3 – Eat an excellent breakfast.

People tend to skip what we have called the most important meal of the day. Having a good, nutritious breakfast will kick start your body into action. In the days of a “grab-and-go” breakfast, many are not finding the nutrition they need to maintain a good day. Some people find success in eating a whole grain cereal topped off with fruit in low-fat or fat-free milk. It is quick and simple, while giving you a prepare start. Remember, everyone is different, but I would avoid loading your body up with sugar filled treats to start your day.

#4 – Drink water.

Your body needs hydrated and hydrated well. Just because a drink has water in it does not mean you are getting the proper hydration. Many people think that any liquid hydrates and it does not. You need to drink water daily. Many will say that you need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Example: if you weigh 200lbs, you should drink 100 ounces of water a day.

#5 – A salad a day.

Eating one salad a day will make a difference if you try it. While you are trying to work on your health, but some excellent food into your system. This will add motivation to your actions, you will notice a change in your lifestyle. Remember when you have a salad, not to load it up with dressing. Dressing will add calories, fat and sugar to your system. In the past, we considered it healthy to eat at least five cups of fruits and vegetables a day. Having one salad a day will help you meet that goal.

#6 – Downsize your servings.

Instead of grabbing the entire bag of chips, pour the chips into a bowl. A simple change to downsize your serving sizes will make a difference to the amount of food you put into your system. Try changing the size of your plate and see if it changes the size of your portion.

#7 – Try some yogurt.

Some in the health world feel that adding two to three servings of low-fat or fat-free yogurt to your diet will help you lose weight and even boost your immune system. This dose of daily calcium will be good for your bones as well.

Is Organic Worth It?

#8 – Track your food intake.

One of the best things you can do for your health is to track what you are putting into your system. It might be the case that you are eating more food than you realize, or you might find your food intake balance is tilted one way. Sometimes, stress eating is something we never track or consider. Try to track your food and see how it helps.

You can begin today and change your health future.

It will take action. It will take work. It will take motivation. It will take time.

You can start today and begin following a few of these steps and watch your health improve.

To your success,