Do you find it hard to fit fitness into your busy schedule? Well, you are not alone, as this is a common issue for the majority. Many people struggle to find time to work out, especially if they have a full-time job and kids. But it is important to make time for yourself, and fitness is a great way to do that.
In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for integrating fitness into your busy schedule.
Here are some things which are important to finding time in your busy schedule.
Many people claim they don’t have time for exercise or self-care, but this could not be farther from the truth. Everyone, no matter how busy their lives may seem, has some time in their schedule to devote to taking care of themselves. Most of the time, we must make exercise or self-care a priority.
The challenge is finding that time amidst all the other commitments and obligations in our lives. Some people do so by getting up earlier in the morning to fit in a workout, while others prefer after-work exercise classes or activities to help release stress. Still, others might use their lunch break as an opportunity to go for a walk, take their dog for a run, or hit the gym.
Whatever your preferred exercise routine may be, it’s important to remember that carving out time each day, or just a few times per week, can make a tremendous difference in your health and overall well-being.
So, stop making excuses and start making time!
Schedule & Plan
Most people who use “I have no time” as an excuse have not paid strict attention to their schedules and daily routines, which is often the real reason they’re unable to make physical activity a priority.
The key to getting more exercise in your schedule is to plan and schedule each week carefully, leaving room for regular workouts and other important tasks. With proper planning and scheduling, it becomes much easier to carve out the time you need for regular physical activity. By committing to frequent exercise sessions, you will see real benefits in terms of both your health and your overall productivity.
With that in mind, if you truly want to improve your fitness level, start carefully using your schedule – you’ll be surprised at how quickly those few extra minutes can add up!
Save Time
There are many ways to open time for exercise, and one of the most effective is to start by recognizing what’s consuming your time. For example, many people find that choosing a gym nearby allows them to save time on their commute and get straight to their workout.
Alternatively, you might invest in some home exercise equipment that you can use right away in the comfort of your own home. Whether you choose to invest in weights, a treadmill or another piece of equipment, this type of investment can save you lots of extra time spent commuting to and from your gym.
By taking these small steps towards better health, we can all make room for exercise in our busy schedules.
Make It a Habit
In integrating fitness into a busy schedule, one of the most important things is to make it a habit. While many people think that to reap the benefits of exercise, they need to spend hours every day working out, this simply isn’t true.
Even dedicating just some 20-30 minutes each day to exercise can have a major impact on your fitness levels and overall well-being. Before you know it, those healthy 20 minutes of self-care will become an essential part of who you are and how you live daily.
So, if you’re looking for ways to stay fit and active amidst a hectic schedule, don’t despair – it’s easier than you might think. Just remember that all it takes is just a little discipline and determination. With some planning and persistence, building healthier habits is within anyone’s reach.
What did you do for your health today?

How’s your brain health?
Chances are, if you’re like most people, you don’t give it much thought.
But even though your body as a whole is a self-sustaining mechanism, chances are you can get a little more leverage and mental sharpness by paying a bit more attention to brain-healthy habits.
Because think about it – your brain is a precious possession. It’s the organ that controls your thoughts, memories, and emotions. It’s also responsible for your body’s coordination and movement.
In this article, we’ll go over the 5 best ways to support brain health.
But first…
The Mystery Of Life
The brain and consciousness have long been some of the most puzzling and intriguing areas of scientific research. Despite hundreds of years of study, we still do not fully understand how they work or why they are so complex.
Some have even argued that the brain and consciousness are essentially ununderstandable objects due to their complexity. Yet despite this challenge, scientists continue to explore these areas in order to unlock new secrets about the nature of our minds and how we perceive the world.
Rather than viewing the brain and consciousness as insurmountable obstacles, many researchers see them as exciting avenues for discovery. These scientists recognize that every day we learn more about our brains, whether through studies of animal behavior or advances in brain imaging technology.
And as we gain a better understanding of these core components of ourselves, it is clear that we will be able to make incredible progress in many other areas of science, from medicine to psychology to engineering.
Indeed, the brain remains one of the last great frontiers for human knowledge, waiting for us to conquer it with curiosity and determination. Rest assured, though, you don’t really need to be a scientist and have a lab, in order to do things that are beneficial for your brain.
Here are our top 5 brain-healthy habits.
#1 Brain-Nurturing Foods
When the task is to keep your brain healthy and well-functioning, there are some specific nutrients that are pivotal. And well, it is no secret that nutrition plays a crucial role in the body’s overall health, including that of the brain!
The most important nutrients for the brain include:
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Calcium
- B-Vitamins
- Vitamins D & E
- Magnesium
Below, you can find the top 10 favorite food products on our list, that are abundant in these essential nutrients:
- Leafy green vegetables
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Broccoli
- Berries (blueberries, strawberries, etc.)
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Olives
- Whole eggs
- Dark chocolate
By including these ingredients in your diet on a regular basis, you can help give your brain what it really needs to stay strong and perform at its best. So be sure to add plenty of these brain-nurturing foods to your meals starting today!
#2 Braining!
Keeping your brain active is essential for maintaining a healthy and efficient brain. Our brains are constantly working, taking in information and making connections to help us understand the world around us.
However, without adequate stimulation, the neurons in our brains can become sluggish and slow down this crucial activity. To keep the mind sharp and your brain functioning at its best, it is important to practice activities that help to activate and challenge your neural networks. This might include anything from puzzle games and crossword puzzles to music lessons or learning a new language.
By constantly engaging your brain and keeping it active, you can enjoy the many benefits of a healthy and capable mind. So don’t underestimate the power of keeping your brain active – with a little braining (brain training), you can live life to the fullest!
#3 The Social Aspect
Besides good food and mental activity in solitude, it has been suggested that there is a strong link between having a good social life and maintaining a healthy brain. The concept is simple – interacting with others helps you use (and improve) cognitive function and, thereby, improve mood and keep your mind sharp even as you age.
Furthermore, having an active social life can reduce stress levels, thereby limiting its harmful effects on the brain. Whether you are outside with friends or trying to make new connections through networking and local meetups, it is clear that having a social life is one of the keys to staying mentally sharp for years to come.
#4 Sleep
Though we may not understand exactly how sleep works, it is an essential component of mental health and well-being. Whether we are resting after a long day at work or catching up on needed rest during the weekend, sleep is crucial in the context of enabling our brains to function properly.
Not only does it allow us to charge up the brain and clear away neural detritus from the day’s activities, but it also seems to be crucial to maintaining our ability to form memories. Additionally, good quality sleep can improve mood by helping to keep stress levels in check.
Thus, though we cannot fully explain why or how our brains benefit from sleep, it is a crucial factor for maintaining mental health and performance. So don’t skimp on those precious hours of shut-eye – get yourself at least 6!
#5 Exercise
Many people view training primarily as a way to sculpt their bodies and improve their physical fitness. But what many don’t realize is that exercise can also have a profound impact on our brains.
Working out may boost cognitive function, increase memory, and even help prevent certain diseases. And while any kind of exercise can be beneficial, it seems that high-intensity training like weightlifting may be particularly effective when it comes to improving brain health.
With this in mind, if you want a workout that will give your body and your mind a real boost, head to the gym and get moving! The benefits of just 2-3 sessions a week may just surprise you.
Final Thoughts
So, what can you do to support your brain health? Plenty!
Just make sure that you’re incorporating a variety of activities into your life and giving your brain the chance to work in different ways. And don’t forget to keep learning – it’s one of the best things you can do for your brain!
Can you think of (no pun intended) anything else you’d add to this list?
Let us know in the comments below.
Question: How many times have you started a new diet or fitness plan, vowing that this is the time you finally stick with it?
How many times has that failed after just a few weeks?
Yes, we get it, but you are not alone. There is a new trending workout or diet plan every other day. These instant, quick trends do not give many the sustainable progress they wish for.
So, what is the key to finding sustainable progress?
Allow us a few moments to share with you some valuable information to find and keep your progress moving forward each day.
First, let’s talk about the “Fad Culture.”
There has been, and always will be the latest workout trend or gadget to change your life in a miraculous moment. While we believe there is nothing wrong with desiring to be in great physical health, the constant changing of new fitness programs, following these fads can be overwhelming and costly.
It is hard to keep up with the latest Instagram or TikTok fitness craze and it is even harder to know if it is worth the investment. Some of these trends are redesigned, or re-marketed ideas with a unique spin or a new gimmick.
Before you purchase that new trending fitness plan, or sign-up for that new popular fitness class, begin asking yourself if it is worth the time and money as your investment. Reflect on your experiences and get a clear view.
The chances are you can get significant results without spending a lot of money on the latest trends. In this discussion, it is important to know that great fitness and great health is made through the process of cultivation.
When you want to get in the best shape, you will affect your health, energy level, and your overall physical and mental well-being. But many want to know where to start. And how do you start a program that you will complete to the end?
The key is to find sustainable habits you will stick with overall. Finding sustainable habits is not a “one-size-fits-all” platform. What works for one person might not work for another. Therefore, we believe in the fitness process of cultivation.
What is cultivation?
We are using cultivation as constructive habits you can stick with in the long term. The benefits of cultivation are that it grows to become stronger because it has developed a firm foundation. You will also be able to pass these sustainable habits to the next generation.
As you think about cultivating fitness, health, and wellness in your life, there are three BIG areas for you to remember. These three critical components are the things which will bring most of your results when they are remembered and optimized.
Here are your BIG three to remember and optimize:
#1 – Nutrition
First, remember that nutrition is a tricky business. There are many factors you should consider and it’s hard to know where to start.
Most people think of supplements when you talk about nutrition. Some believe supplements are a simple solution, but you should remember that no supplement regime can take the place of a good nutrition plan.
A healthy diet is the foundation for your good health and your supplement routine should only fill in the gaps. if you have any, you can use the foods listed below to create a great food plan, to focus on nutrition.
A few of our favorite foods in our nutrition plan are:
- Grass-Fed/Grass-Finished Beef (Meat and organs)
- Pasture-Raised Eggs
- Dairy Products
- Various fruits & vegetables
- Seafood
If you focus on the foods above, then add in a few “cheat foods”, and you can have a great nutrition plan that is sustainable and easy to follow.
#2 – Training
When was the last time you moved something heavy like furniture, or a large box filled with items? No matter the object, you had to use extra effort to move it from one place to another. What would happen if that object was a part of your everyday life?
Moving that object would cause you to become stronger each time. That is what resistance training does for your body. When you are regularly working out with resistance, whether weights, bands or even your own body weight, you will make progress in strength and endurance.
Not only does resistance training strengthen you and improve your endurance, there are other benefits as well. Resistance training helps to improve bone density, improve metabolism and improve overall health.
Resistance training is one of the best actions you can take for your health. There is no trend which will replace good resistance training. Practice resistance training and you will see a sustainable difference.
#3 – Recovery
It is no secret that when you feel better, you perform better. This is the case in fitness, health , work, and everywhere in life. Despite knowing this, many go throughout their life neglecting their own well-being.
We push ourselves to the limit, mentally and physically, without taking the time to refuel and recharge. We can stay so busy that we easily forget to take care of ourselves.
What if I told you that you can make significant progress without sacrificing yourself in the process?
While this might sound too good to be true, it is possible. This will start with understanding the importance of recovery. When you combine nutrition, training and a recovery plan, your well-being is on its way to success.
A recovery plan ensures you are getting the rest and relaxation you need to allow your body to repair itself. Your body needs a plan for recovery for your physical health, but also your mental and emotional health.
When you have a recovery plan, pay attention to these three areas which are important to your recovery:
- Sleep
- Stress management
- Sports massages
When you have these three areas as a part of your recovery plan, you will find yourself with more energy , more focus and more drive to get better.
If you take a recovery supplement, I would encourage you to make sure you have a nutrition plan in place as well as good hydration, good sleep and good stress management in place.
Concluding thoughts
Fitness, even your fitness, is ever-evolving. When you think you might have found your fitness groove, a new exercise may appear, a new diet trend begins, and these might leave you feeling out of touch with the current trends.
Maybe it is time to rethink our approach to fitness. Instead of chasing the latest fad, we should focus on the sustainable habits we can create for future progress. This will mean we should find activities we can fit into our routine.
It will be the small changes, like eating more protein, fruits and vegetables, and drinking more water, which create a sustainable plan.
By taking a long-term look at fitness, we can learn the sustainable ways to make it a part of our routine, and this is something worth working toward.
Stay well and make progress to better health and wellness.
By the way, there are various workouts available on our G5 Wellness Membership at
You can join our membership site today and begin taking the workout classes and seeing our new recipes and join our growing community.
Social media can be exhausting.
Social media can allow your mind to travel places it should never go. I know of a mother who considered herself to be a great mom until she got social media. When she saw what other mothers posted, it affected her mentally. She saw the Facebook posts and how other mother’s children were doing different things, having achievements and then she saw the pictures of “perfect” homes.
Seeing all those images became a sizeable area of stress for her and she doubted her abilities as a mother. The fact was, her children were just like every other children, but she did not have time to post every moment on social moment. She was busy raising her kids.
However, those images affected her.
Here are 6 Ways to Secure Your Mental Health while using Social Media:
#1 – Remember, people can fake many things. So, the picture you see is not always true. Whenever I see a “picture perfect” image on social media, I consider the source. Also, I have asked the person what the behind scenes picture looked like. Many times, and I emphasize many times, things are not always as they seem.
#2 – If you see something stressful, just take a break. It is alright to step back from social media and spend your day being you. Life existed before social media and it will exist after social media. A great wellness, self-care practise is to step back form technology for a period and let your mind reset.
#3 – Set the time you will spend on social media each day. Stop engulfing your entire day into social media. Staring at a phone or computer all day is not a healthy choice; especially when most days are stressful already. Set a specific period during the day for social media.
#4 – Learn the positive things from social media and implement it in real life. Be specific on who you follow. Several years ago, I only began subscribing/following groups which would help me in my life. For you this might mean following things that fit with your life purpose of your hobby. Be specific on who and what groups you follow.
#5 – Try to connect with your friends. The term friend is misused because we can see our many “friends” on social media and think that each of them are true “friends” when many are simply acquaintances. Connect with your genuine friends and encourage each other daily. A simple message can create a better day for someone you know.
#6 – Take everything easy and relax. Just do it. Relax, take it easy and breathe.
Consider the 6 Ways to Secure Your Mental Health while using Social Media above and see how you can begin practicing wellness and self-care, even in social media.
To your success,

8 Small Steps to Improve Your Health
In a few weeks, we will start another month and moving farther away from our beginning of the year goals. To that extent, this might be a great time to reflect on those goals and evaluate our progress.
It is difficult to see the year quickly passing, but it is rewarding to see how our goals have been put into practice and achievements are being made weekly.
One of those common goals to evaluate from month-to-month is the status of our health. Many people will make a health goal (some call it a resolution) at the beginning of the year. Those goals might be to stop eating poorly, gain better nutrition, stop smoking, walk more, or finally make use of that gym membership.
While setting high-achieving goals is common, setting smaller goals will help you on your way to achieving all your goals. This concept applies to your health goals as well.
Take a moment and reflect on the goals you set at the beginning of this year, or even at the end of last year, and see how you are achieving those goals.
Dr. James Hill, Director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center is noted as saying, “Small steps are achievable and are easier to fit into your daily routine. They are less overwhelming than a big, sudden change.”
Thinking of Dr. Hill’s words, allow us to offer 10 small steps you can take today to improve your health.
#1 – Watch your weight.
Most of us have a bathroom scale around the house. It might have found its way to an obscure corner of the room, but we know where it is located. Take an evaluation of your weight regularly.
#2 – Just a few more steps a day.
Start taking a few more steps in your daily routine. Simple things like walking a few more steps at work, in your home, in the store and everywhere can quickly add up over time. Make it a point to park a little further from the store, if you are able, and get those extra steps. You might use a pedometer to keep track of your steps. Set a goal of 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day and see if you can achieve that for one week.
#3 – Eat an excellent breakfast.
People tend to skip what we have called the most important meal of the day. Having a good, nutritious breakfast will kick start your body into action. In the days of a “grab-and-go” breakfast, many are not finding the nutrition they need to maintain a good day. Some people find success in eating a whole grain cereal topped off with fruit in low-fat or fat-free milk. It is quick and simple, while giving you a prepare start. Remember, everyone is different, but I would avoid loading your body up with sugar filled treats to start your day.
#4 – Drink water.
Your body needs hydrated and hydrated well. Just because a drink has water in it does not mean you are getting the proper hydration. Many people think that any liquid hydrates and it does not. You need to drink water daily. Many will say that you need to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Example: if you weigh 200lbs, you should drink 100 ounces of water a day.
#5 – A salad a day.
Eating one salad a day will make a difference if you try it. While you are trying to work on your health, but some excellent food into your system. This will add motivation to your actions, you will notice a change in your lifestyle. Remember when you have a salad, not to load it up with dressing. Dressing will add calories, fat and sugar to your system. In the past, we considered it healthy to eat at least five cups of fruits and vegetables a day. Having one salad a day will help you meet that goal.
#6 – Downsize your servings.
Instead of grabbing the entire bag of chips, pour the chips into a bowl. A simple change to downsize your serving sizes will make a difference to the amount of food you put into your system. Try changing the size of your plate and see if it changes the size of your portion.
#7 – Try some yogurt.
Some in the health world feel that adding two to three servings of low-fat or fat-free yogurt to your diet will help you lose weight and even boost your immune system. This dose of daily calcium will be good for your bones as well.
#8 – Track your food intake.
One of the best things you can do for your health is to track what you are putting into your system. It might be the case that you are eating more food than you realize, or you might find your food intake balance is tilted one way. Sometimes, stress eating is something we never track or consider. Try to track your food and see how it helps.
You can begin today and change your health future.
It will take action. It will take work. It will take motivation. It will take time.
You can start today and begin following a few of these steps and watch your health improve.
To your success,

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Join us and get on the road to better living.
How are you doing today?
Are you stressed?
You may have found this article because you are looking for foods to help with your current level of stress. Each of us face stressful situations during our lifetime. Whether we have stress during the week, a few times a month or several times a year, we will all face stressful situations at one point in our lives.
Others might have daily stress because of their job, career, family, relationships, or in other areas. One thing you to consider first is how to reduce the current amount of stress in your life.
While these foods will help, it is important for you to remember to breathe, pace yourself and look for additional ways to reduce stress.
What we eat has a powerful influence on our bodies. Many years ago, while studying computer science, I learned the ‘GIGO’ method of programming. ‘GIGO” means “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” When programming, when you put “garbage code” into a computer, you will get garbage out. The purpose was to be sure we are putting pure code into the programs.
I have found, over my few years of life since then that the same principle applies to many other areas of life, including what we eat. If you put garbage into your body, you will get garbage out…but also, it is much more. When you put garbage food into your body, you might notice how your body feels sluggish and different.
Remember the sluggish feeling after eating fast food? How about the sluggish feeling after overeating sugar-filled food?
If you remember those times, you understand the importance of putting good food into your body.
When it comes to a stressful life, how can changing your food intake change the way you deal with stress?
Where to Start
First, you need to achieve a healthy, balance diet. Be sure you are not “stress-eating” and filling your body with junk food. This might be one of the hardest steps in the process of eating healthy.
Many people will eat high-sugar content foods during stressful times. It is easy to feel so stressed that you grab the first thing you see. Be sure to keep a record of your eating habits normally, but especially during stressful times. Having a record of your food intake will help you in creating a healthy balance.
For instance, foods such as whole grains, leafy vegetables, and lean proteins are the best way to ensure that you are getting the optimum amounts of nutrients to fight both physical and mental health problems. These foods will also not give you the sluggish feeling you experience after eating junk food.
When it comes to choosing the foods to eat, some help the body to combat stress. Choosing these stress-busting foods will help to calm your mind permanently, rather than providing a temporary fix.
Some of the best stress-fighting foods include:
#1 – Avocado
Avocados are a versatile fruit which can be eaten in a range of different ways whether you enjoy it raw, made into sauces, dressings and dips, or in a smoothie.
Avocados These nutrient-dense fruits have the properties to stress-proof your body, thanks to their high glutathione content which specifically blocks the intestinal absorption of certain fats which cause oxidative damage.
Avocados also contain higher levels of vitamin E, folate, and beta-carotene than any other fruit, which boosts their stress-busting properties. However, be careful with portion control when eating avocado, as it is high in fat.
#2 – Blueberries
If you’re feeling stressed out and reaching for the snacks, consider swapping chocolate or chips for one of the best superfoods…blueberries. This is a great way to help you deal with your stress levels and achieve a higher level of calm.
You may already know that blueberries have some of the highest levels of antioxidants, especially antho-cyanin, which means that this berry has been linked to a wide range of health benefits including sharper cognition, better focus, and a clearer mind – all of which can help you to better deal with stress.
#3 – Chamomile Tea
You must remind yourself that it’s not all about what you’re eating when it comes to managing stress. What you’re drinking can also alleviate or worsen the stress you’re feeling.
Drinking liquids which are high in sugars, high-fructose corn syrup, and caffeine can increase your stress levels. These drinks include most soft drinks, coffee, and energy drinks. For many people, these are the drinks they run to first when feeling stressed.
Chamomile tea has long been used as a natural bedtime soother. It has also been used in clinical trials, which determined that chamomile tea is effective in reducing the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder.
#4 – Chocolate
This is the one most people run to once stress begins to take hold. It is also one which can go both ways; both positive and negative.
While it’s usually seen as an unhealthy treat, there is an undeniable link between chocolate and our mood. Studies have shown that eating chocolate can make you happier. However, that doesn’t mean that you can start munching on chocolate bars every time you’re stressed.
Chocolate works best as a de-stressor when eaten in moderation and as part of a healthy and balanced diet. Dark chocolate is best for you, as it contains more flavanols and polyphenols, two hugely important antioxidants which can help combat stress, more than many fruit juices.
The next time you buy chocolate look for dark chocolate (at least 90% cocoa). Also, remember not to overeat chocolate, even dark chocolate, because overeating will take away the good benefits you might experience.
#5 – Beef
While beef will assist you in relieving stress through a healthy-balanced diet, there might be greater benefits in grass-feed beef. Studies are still be conducted to see the benefits and differences.
Grass-fed beef will cost most due to various factors, but the benefits you might feel can outweigh the costs. I would do your own research with your eating habits to see if you find a difference.
Grass-fed beef has a vast range of antioxidants, including beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, which can help your body to fight stress and anxiety.
If you’re looking for more reasons to spend a little more money on organic, grass-fed beef, it’s also lower in fat than grain-fed beef whilst being higher in omega-3.
#6 – Oatmeal
When you think of oatmeal, you typically think of it as a breakfast food. However, oatmeal can be a filling comfort food, and has many healthy properties to make you feel better from the inside out.
As a complex carbohydrate, oatmeal causes your brain to produce higher levels of the feel-good chemical serotonin. This helps you to feel calmer and less stressed. Studies have shown that kids who choose oatmeal for breakfast tend to be much sharper throughout the morning in school compared to kids who had alternative morning meals.
As an adult, this might be the food needed to calm your stressful day; not only as a breakfast food, but as food to eat anytime.
#7 – Walnuts
A walnut is not the way some think when they think of a stress soothing food. However, if you’re looking for a healthy snacking option which will help you to stay better in control of your stress levels, walnuts are a great choice.
Eating a handful of walnuts helps manage the stress thay you place on your heart and cardiovascular system.
The sweet flavor of walnuts can be a tasty snack for in-between meals or as part of a desert. A versatile nut, walnuts are great for salads, or add them to a sweet treat such as coffee and walnut cake.
#8 – Pistachios
Another food which most do not think of but is great for snacking and can also help to combat stress and anxiety in the long term is pistachios.
Studies have found that eating two small, snack-size portions of pistachios per day can lower vascular constriction when you are stressed. This means you are putting less pressure on your heart by further dilating your arteries.
Along with the effects of pistachios on your heart, the rhythmic, repetitive act of shelling pistachios can be quite therapeutic. It will give you time to relax as you shell the pistachio.
#9 – Green Leafy Vegetables
As you probably already know, green, leafy vegetables should be a pivotal part of anyone’s diet. Also, you will find that green, leafy vegetables influence reducing your stress levels and the effects of stress on your body.
Along with helping to combat stress, leafy greens are full of nutrients and antioxidants which help to fight off disease and leave your body feeling healthier and more energized. Dark leafy greens, for example spinach, are especially good for you since they are rich in folate, which helps your body to produce more mood-regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin, which is a ‘feel-good’ chemical.
I encourage you to make leafy greens a part of your diet. This will help you to feel happier and less stressed out overall.
#10 – Fermented foods
Finally, on our list of stress fighting food are fermented foods.
Did you know that eating fermented foods such as yogurt can help to keep your gut healthy?
This benefit to gut health will help to improve your mental health and reduce stress levels. The beneficial bacteria which are found in fermented foods such as yogurt have a direct effect on your brain chemistry and transmit positive mood and behavior regulating signals to your brain via the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve. It is one of the longest nerves in the body and controls your mood, heart rate, digestion and immune response.
As we have talked about these foods, it is important to note that we are not experts, and everyone’s body was created differently. These are ten foods that we have found to combat stress in your daily life. These foods are also known to aid your system in fending off bacteria and other harmful elements which attack your body.
We would encourage you to consult with your doctor or medical professional before beginning and major change in your food routine. Also, just because these might work for one person, may not mean the make a difference to you.
It is important that you know your body and food sources. We will encourage you to seek the best life possible by being the best person you can be and consuming the fuel needed for your daily life.
Stay well and work hard.
To your success,